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Expand upon the values of the national Pop Warner program using the talents and the volunteer spirit of the residents of the Four Points area and create a superior program that will be a national model for Pop Warner. This will be achieved by the following methods:


  • ·       Teaching our children proper and safe skills development in tackle football and cheer, interwoven with the importance of teamwork, responsibility, discipline, time management, mental toughness, fairness and fun, and facilitating the transfer of those lessons to later life;

  • ·       Developing a coaching education program for youth football and cheer coaches, through formalized training on technique, fundamentals , and effective communication with youth;

  • ·       Sending a group of young men and women into the local high school and middle school program who are prepared to accept the challenges of their coaches and teachers.    


Use the FPPW program to assist in creating a true sense of civic pride in the community, with the opportunity created by the construction of our own new Vandegrift High School, so that all residents, with or without children, can feel a true sense of community, and can feel open to assist in making our program and our high school better and stronger, which will give our children something else precious and valuable to take into adulthood.

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